Minimalism-not just annoying art from the 60s

Part 1: the monster in the closet

At best I am a Rat Pack,


fly me to the moon and away from all my stuff…


or rather pack rat. I boarder on hoarder. Part of this comes from my parents. My dad could always find something useful at the dump and my mom’s collection of yarn could rival my local crafts store. Me, well I like to craft, I love fashion and my Marcel-Duchamps-like obsession with found objects has led me to have a few too many things without a home.



maybe not this bad…any more…

All this is about to change. In fact it’s changing already. For about a year I have been ruthlessly chopping down my wardrobe from a fashion designers fantasy to a capsule wardrobe.


This is not a how-a post on how to downsize your wardrobe because a ton of other people have already done that and better. These are a few reasons why it’s so hard for ME to let go. Maybe some of you can identify with some of my issues and find solace in the fact that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

  1. It was a gift. Out of some strange loyalty we feel we have to hold on to something we hardly wear because someone we love gave it to us. Yet would it not be much kinder to let that article of clothing live with someone new? We are keeping that funky skirt from someone that can give it new life and WEAR it. Surly not wearing something that was a gift is as, in not more, disloyal than letting someone else wear it.
  2. It was expensive. But I spent a whole paycheck on that jacket/boots/whatever. That money is gone. You’re never going to get it back. Yes, well maybe if you had that yard sale you never have time for because you’re too busy putting away all of your clothes, you MIGHT make a few dollars back on your investment. I live in LA, vintage-chic capital and let me tell you they can be mighty pick at those sell-your-clothing shops. But if you’re up for it, try it, and what they don’t take, give to secondhand store, just don’t put it back in your closet.
  3. My grandma made it. This is like some hybrid guilt of both of the last two. It’s super special because it’s one of a kind and I could never get another one like it again. But she’s gone and she’s not going to haunt me from the grave just because I gave away a blouse she made. Wouldn’t it honor her more if someone wore it and loved it? For this one I try to ONLY keep the ones I will wear (or my imaginary future daughter). Honestly it’s my Achilles heel and I’m still working on it.

These are my top 3 issues with letting go of clothes. For me, clothing swaps have been great for dealing with the carnage of minimalism. I feel better about giving stuff away if my friends are getting them. Careful though, this can be counter productive if you go home with more than what you brought or take stuff back when you see it in the donation pile at the end of the night(guilty of both). Give your self a limit(like 5 and not 25) and stick to it.


where I am now


Where I want to be

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